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Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160121
January 21 - Configuration, Federation and Testing, oh my.
Note taker: Rob Hirshfeld
Use Case (10 min): SFDC Paul Brown
SIG Report - SIG-config and the story of #18215.
- Application config IN K8s not deployment of K8s
- Topic has been reuse of configuration,specifically parameterization(aka templates). Needs:
- include scoping(cluster namespace)
- slight customization (naming changes, but not major config)
- multiple positions on how todo this including allowing external or simple extensions
- PetSet creates instances w/stable namespace
Workflow proposal
- Distributed Chron. Challenge is that configs need to create multiple objects in sequence
- Trying to figure out how balance the many config options out there (compose, terraform,ansible/etc)
- Goal is to “meet people where they are” to keep it simple
- Q: is there an opinion for the keystore sizing
- large size / data blob would not be appropriate
- you can pull data(config) from another store for larger objects
SIG Report - SIG-federation - progress on Ubernetes-Lite & Ubernetes design
Goal is to be able to have a cluster manager, so you can federate clusters. They will automatically distribute the pods.
Plan is to use the same API for the master cluster
Conformance testing Q+A Isaac Hollander McCreery
- status on conformance testing for release process
- expect to be forward compatible but not backwards
- is there interest for a sig-testing meeting
- testing needs to a higher priority for the project
- lots of focus on trying to make this a higher priority To get involved in the Kubernetes community consider joining our Slack channel, taking a look at the Kubernetes project on GitHub, or join the Kubernetes-dev Google group. If you’re really excited, you can do all of the above and join us for the next community conversation -- January 27th, 2016. Please add yourself or a topic you want to know about to the agenda and get a calendar invitation by joining this group.
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