You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.31
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Event Rate Limit Configuration (v1alpha1)
Resource Types
Configuration provides configuration for the EventRateLimit admission controller.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string | |
kind string | Configuration |
limits [Required][]Limit
limits are the limits to place on event queries received. Limits can be placed on events received server-wide, per namespace, per user, and per source+object. At least one limit is required. |
Appears in:
Limit is the configuration for a particular limit type
Field | Description |
type [Required]LimitType
type is the type of limit to which this configuration applies |
qps [Required]int32
qps is the number of event queries per second that are allowed for this type of limit. The qps and burst fields are used together to determine if a particular event query is accepted. The qps determines how many queries are accepted once the burst amount of queries has been exhausted. |
burst [Required]int32
burst is the burst number of event queries that are allowed for this type of limit. The qps and burst fields are used together to determine if a particular event query is accepted. The burst determines the maximum size of the allowance granted for a particular bucket. For example, if the burst is 10 and the qps is 3, then the admission control will accept 10 queries before blocking any queries. Every second, 3 more queries will be allowed. If some of that allowance is not used, then it will roll over to the next second, until the maximum allowance of 10 is reached. |
cacheSize int32
cacheSize is the size of the LRU cache for this type of limit. If a bucket is evicted from the cache, then the allowance for that bucket is reset. If more queries are later received for an evicted bucket, then that bucket will re-enter the cache with a clean slate, giving that bucket a full allowance of burst queries. The default cache size is 4096. If limitType is 'server', then cacheSize is ignored. |
(Alias of string
Appears in:
LimitType is the type of the limit (e.g., per-namespace)
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