You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.31

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LeaseCandidate v1alpha1

LeaseCandidate defines a candidate for a Lease object.


import ""


LeaseCandidate defines a candidate for a Lease object. Candidates are created such that coordinated leader election will pick the best leader from the list of candidates.


LeaseCandidateSpec is a specification of a Lease.

  • leaseName (string), required

    LeaseName is the name of the lease for which this candidate is contending. This field is immutable.

  • preferredStrategies ([]string), required

    Atomic: will be replaced during a merge

    PreferredStrategies indicates the list of strategies for picking the leader for coordinated leader election. The list is ordered, and the first strategy supersedes all other strategies. The list is used by coordinated leader election to make a decision about the final election strategy. This follows as - If all clients have strategy X as the first element in this list, strategy X will be used. - If a candidate has strategy [X] and another candidate has strategy [Y, X], Y supersedes X and strategy Y will be used.

    • If a candidate has strategy [X, Y] and another candidate has strategy [Y, X], this is a user error and leader election will not operate the Lease until resolved. (Alpha) Using this field requires the CoordinatedLeaderElection feature gate to be enabled.
  • binaryVersion (string)

    BinaryVersion is the binary version. It must be in a semver format without leading v. This field is required when strategy is "OldestEmulationVersion"

  • emulationVersion (string)

    EmulationVersion is the emulation version. It must be in a semver format without leading v. EmulationVersion must be less than or equal to BinaryVersion. This field is required when strategy is "OldestEmulationVersion"

  • pingTime (MicroTime)

    PingTime is the last time that the server has requested the LeaseCandidate to renew. It is only done during leader election to check if any LeaseCandidates have become ineligible. When PingTime is updated, the LeaseCandidate will respond by updating RenewTime.

    MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.

  • renewTime (MicroTime)

    RenewTime is the time that the LeaseCandidate was last updated. Any time a Lease needs to do leader election, the PingTime field is updated to signal to the LeaseCandidate that they should update the RenewTime. Old LeaseCandidate objects are also garbage collected if it has been hours since the last renew. The PingTime field is updated regularly to prevent garbage collection for still active LeaseCandidates.

    MicroTime is version of Time with microsecond level precision.


LeaseCandidateList is a list of Lease objects.


get read the specified LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

GET /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates/{name}


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the LeaseCandidate

  • namespace (in path): string, required


  • pretty (in query): string



200 (LeaseCandidate): OK

401: Unauthorized

list list or watch objects of kind LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

GET /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates



200 (LeaseCandidateList): OK

401: Unauthorized

list list or watch objects of kind LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

GET /apis/



200 (LeaseCandidateList): OK

401: Unauthorized

create create a LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

POST /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates



200 (LeaseCandidate): OK

201 (LeaseCandidate): Created

202 (LeaseCandidate): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

update replace the specified LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

PUT /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates/{name}



200 (LeaseCandidate): OK

201 (LeaseCandidate): Created

401: Unauthorized

patch partially update the specified LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

PATCH /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates/{name}


  • name (in path): string, required

    name of the LeaseCandidate

  • namespace (in path): string, required


  • body: Patch, required

  • dryRun (in query): string


  • fieldManager (in query): string


  • fieldValidation (in query): string


  • force (in query): boolean


  • pretty (in query): string



200 (LeaseCandidate): OK

201 (LeaseCandidate): Created

401: Unauthorized

delete delete a LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates/{name}



200 (Status): OK

202 (Status): Accepted

401: Unauthorized

deletecollection delete collection of LeaseCandidate

HTTP Request

DELETE /apis/{namespace}/leasecandidates



200 (Status): OK

401: Unauthorized

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Last modified August 28, 2024 at 6:01 PM PST: Update generated API reference for v1.31 (8ba98c79c1)